1% Better: The aggregation of marginal gains
by Dustin Watten
The philosophy for searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything you do.
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits writes, “too often as at...
Carli Lloyd - The Foundation for Setting: Ball Shaped Hands
by Dustin Watten
This article was written by Carli Lloyd
2016 Team USA Olympian
CEV Champions League Winner & MVP I NCAA Player of the year
On the volleyball...
A Faster 1st Step - Begins Today
by Dustin Watten
To Split or not to Split?
Comment below your thoughts on the Split Step. As I have said in the past and will continue to repeat "there is no right...
Awareness of Breath - How to get to the Next Point
by Dustin Watten
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom...
Training Awareness - Meet Coach CJ
by Dustin Watten
The Mind Artist has arrived.At @noezybuckets we are 100% committed to propelling our athletes towards greatness with the framework of building and...
The Split Step - Consistent balance and a Quicker 1st Step
by Dustin Watten
“There is not one path. There is not even the right path. there is only your path.”
The Tennis Split Step:
What is a split step? The ...
Top 10 Tips to my Younger Self - From a Professional Volleyball Player
by NEB Athlete
*This article was written by Mike Marshman
Dear Mike,
It’s your first season in Europe I see, you finally made it. The road has been...
Fall seven, rise eight. 🇯🇵 proverb.
by Dustin Watten
The biggest advice, I can offer you.. The biggest lesson I've learned on my journey: Is to get up. More specifically, to love the challenge of gett...
Which Wolf do you feed after a 'bad' performance
by Dustin Watten
There is a story called “the tale of two wolves,” attributed to the Native American Cherokee tribe that goes like this..
One day a man spoke to h...
Reframing our Failures
by Dustin Watten
If you’re like most other athletes, your intellect thrives at
telling your mind where it goes wrong, but is shy to tell your mind where it goes rig...
5 Tips to Become a Better Libero!
by Dustin Watten
"Hey Dusty, how can I improve my game as a libero?"
I get this message almost once a day and I love it! I love hearing from athletes that want to...
Dominating the Game Within - Meet Coach Josh
by Dustin Watten
There I was talking with the great Carli Lloyd before the first match of her 2020 pro season in the Italian league, arguably the best league in the...
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